GS1 Standards

In a world of growing data, GS1 standards help you single out what really matters. They give you a common language to identify, capture and share supply chain data– ensuring important information is accessible, accurate and easy to understand

GS1 standards make it easier for millions of organisations to share information. But what standards are there and how could they help you?

What products do you sell? Where are they located? How much do they cost? When are they good until? The barcode – our most common standard — is used by retailers, manufacturers and suppliers. Whether selling your products in a retail store or online or managing a shop or website, it makes you more efficient. All our standards help you identify, capture and share key information about products, locations and assets. Whether tracking items from assembly to sale or making it easy to receive orders and issue invoices, business runs smoothly with GS1 standards


Globally unique identification keys

ID key

GS1 ID Keys give companies efficient ways to access information about items in their supply chains, and share this information with trading partners. ID Keys enable organisations to assign standard identifiers to products, documents, physical locations and more. Because GS1 ID keys are globally unique, they can be shared between organisations, increasing supply chain visibility for trading partners. To build a GS1 ID key, your organisation must become a member of GS1 and obtain a GS1 company prefix. This will form the basis of your ID keys. There are 12 GS1 ID keys, allowing organisations to connect physical events and related information, as in the table below


Automatic data capture

GS1 Barcode

Barcodes are symbols that can be scanned electronically using laser or camera-based systems. They are used to encode information such as product numbers, serial numbers and batch numbers. Barcodes play a key role in supply chains, enabling parties like retailers, manufacturers, transport providers and hospitals to automatically identify and track products as they move through the supply chain. GS1 manages several types of barcodes. Each is designed for use in a different situation.


Exchange of business-critical information


GS1 EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) provides global standards for electronic business messaging that allow automation of business transactions commonly occurring across the entire supply chain. It covers master data alignment, order and delivery and financial settlement management, as well as transport and warehouse management. The main business partners in scope for this are retailers, manufacturers, material suppliers and logistic service providers. GS1 has currently three sets of complementary EDI standards:

  • GS1 XML
  • GS1 UBL is also under consideration as part of the GS1 EDI Strategy 2018-2020


Streamlining business processes

GS1 Traceability & IOT(Intenet of Things)

IoT is transformational to systems, devices, technologies and applications—across industry and around the world—driven by: an expectation by businesses and consumers that all things will be “connected” increasing capabilities and lower cost of microcontroller and communications technologies the explosion of cloud-based data gathering, processing and sharing platforms GS1’s “Global Language of Business” connects the physical and digital worlds. Identification of objects, assets, locations, etc. and automatic data capture are powered by GS1 barcodes and EPC/RFID. GS1 standards for data sharing enable interoperable, trusted and transparent data which are foundational to unleashing IoT capabilities. GS1 also provides a trusted foundation for the responsible use of the technologies behind its standards—paving the way for the future of IoT by providing best practices for risk assessment and data protection.

Why Choose GS1?

Get A barcode